A study explored the underlying genetic architecture of live-born and dead-born piglets in a Duroc pig population.
The size of the litter is one of the most important characteristics for production on pig farms, as it is directly related to production efficiency; so, apart from the number of piglets born alive, the number of piglets born dead and mummified at birth must be taken into account to explain production losses.
One study explored the underlying genetic architecture of live-born and dead-born piglets in a Duroc pig population.
A total of 803 sows were sampled and 2807 farrowing records were collected with the following traits:
A genome-wide association study was then performed for these traits in parity groups of 1 to 5.
Zitao, C., Shaopan, Y., Jinyan, T., Shuqi, D., Xialong, Y., Zanmou, C., Hao Z., Jiaqi, L., Zhe, Z. Genome-wide association studies for the number of animals born alive and dead in duroc pigs. 2019. Elsevier. Theriogenology. Volume 139, pages 36-42.
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