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29 Jun

Interview with Pilar Fernández Díaz-Rullo – Biosecurity on pig farms

In this interview, Pilar Fernández gives us a practical point of view regarding biosecurity in pig farms, both external and internal biosecurity measures.

Interview with Pilar Fernández Díaz-Rullo – Biosecurity on pig farms

Pilar Fernández Díaz-Rullo has a degree in Veterinary Medicine from UNEX and is currently the Director of Production and Research and a specialist in Biosecurity at the Kerbest Group. There she has developed and implemented, since its design and conception, the Grangenia farm in Herreros de Suso (Ávila), a pig genetics multiplier with high Biosecurity standards.

What are your current duties as a Responsible Veterinarian in Kerbest (Grangenia)?

I am currently the Director of Production and Research in the Kerbest group and responsible for the Biosecurity of the 3 mother farms that are part of the company.

In your opinion, is the current level of biosecurity in Spanish pig farms sufficient to face the infectious challenges that threaten the sector?

When we talk about biosecurity it is never enough. It is true that lately the pig sector has become more and more aware of its importance and the danger of not giving it the attention it deserves from everyone (big and small farmers). However, we must admit that until some years ago, we have not been able to communicate and raise awareness in our sector. It was even us (the professionals) who did not believe it was so important.

Today we are talking about the biosecurity of an entire country, about collaborative biosecurity, and we say that biosecurity that is alive. Now we do have an awareness and something is moving, but we need to understand it and not memorize it, we need a lot of dissemination and training. We have a long way to go and we have no time to lose.

The concept of External Biosecurity is going to be quite established on the farms. However, I am sure that


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