Today more than ever, we are certainly prepared for the future. To do so, the pig sector has to face up to the challenges posed by legislation, society and markets.
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The pig sector must combine profitability and productivity with the demands of consumers and the new regulations on animal welfare.
Is the pig sector ready to include animal welfare in its priorities?
Today more than ever, we are certainly prepared for the future. To do so, the pig sector has to face up to the challenges posed by legislation, society and markets.
Animal welfare has become an important basis of sustainable production and is closely related to other important aspects such as animal health, productivity, food safety, quality and efficiency.
The demand for animal-friendly products is increasing as public awareness and perception of production systems grows. Furthermore, welfare is not only a question of ethics, but also an essential tool for accessing and remaining competitive in markets.
Its implementation by all Member States allow harmonizing the market making that all the products can circulate freely through their territory.
The challenge of prohibition on routine tail docking
Currently, the main challenge of the pig sector in Welfare Animal is the prohibition to perform the tail docking on a routine basis without increasing the problems of caudophagy or tail chewing.
Tail docking in piglets is the standard practice to prevent caudophagy in most Member States. However, is questionable for several reasons: